How to Deploy Your Resources With HCS

Welcome to HCS, your all-in-one solution for automating tasks, deploying applications, managing databases, and monitoring resources(A resource could be an application, a database or a service)—all without vendor lock-in. Follow the steps below to deploy your resources on your preferred server.

Step 1: Choose Your Server

To get started, select where you'd like to deploy your resources. You can choose between deploying on the Localhost or on a Remote Server.


Localhost refers to the server where HCS is currently running. While you can use it to deploy your resources, it is recommended to distribute your workload across multiple servers to optimize performance and reliability.

Remote Server

A remote server is any server you can access via SSH. This could be a server hosted at your home or one provided by a cloud service.

Step 2: Provide Server Credentials

To deploy resources to a server, HCS needs to connect to it securely. Please provide the necessary credentials for the server of your choice.

For Localhost

No additional credentials are required. HCS will use the current configuration to manage deployments locally.

For Remote Server

You need to provide the following details to allow HCS to access and manage your remote server:

  1. Server IP Address: The IP address of the remote server.

  2. SSH Username: The username used to connect to the server via SSH.

  3. SSH Key/Password: Provide either the SSH private key for key-based authentication or the password for the SSH user.

Step 3: Input Your Credentials

Fill in the fields below with the necessary information for your chosen server:

  • Server IP Address:

  • SSH Username:

  • SSH Key (if using key-based authentication):

  • Password (if using password-based authentication):

Ensure that your server is configured to accept SSH connections and that the provided credentials have the necessary permissions to deploy and manage resources.

Step 4: Test Connection

Before proceeding with the deployment, click the "Test Connection" button to verify that HCS can successfully connect to your server using the provided credentials. This step ensures there are no issues with the connection settings.

[ Test Connection ]

Step 5: Deploy Your Resources

Once the connection is verified, you can start deploying your applications, databases, and services on the selected server. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete your deployment.

[ Deploy Now ]

Last updated