How to configure databases with HCS


Here you can find the documentation for databases in HCS.

You can configure a database with a simple click. HCS supports the following databases:

  • PostgreSQL

  • MySQL

  • MariaDB

  • MongoDB

  • Redis

Ports Mapping vs Public Port

Ports Mapping

Ports mapping is using the Docker port mapping feature. It is used to map the container port to the host port. For example, if you set the port mapping to 8080:80, the container port 80 will be mapped to the host port 8080.

Public Port

Public port is used to expose the container port to the internet, by starting an Nginx TCP proxy.

Which one should I use?

  • Port mappings makes the connection/port permanent (you need to restart your database to change it).

  • The public port makes the connection/port dynamic (you can change it without restarting the database, HCS will restart the Nginx TCP proxy for you).

Access database during builds

If you are using Nixpacks build pack, you have two ways to access your database during builds:

  1. Database & your application are in the same network: You can reach it using the internal URL provided by HCS.

  2. Database & your application are not in the same network: You need to set enable yout database to be Accessible over the internet and use the public URL provided by HCS.

Last updated