CI/CD for HKE Clusters

CI/CD for HKE Clusters: Streamlining Deployment with Your Preferred Tools

Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) bring automation and efficiency to your application deployment process. Hostspace Kubernetes Engine (HKE) seamlessly integrates with your existing CI/CD tools, enabling you to push updates to your Kubernetes clusters reliably and consistently. This guide outlines the general workflow and highlights a GitHub Actions example.

Why CI/CD for HKE Clusters?

  • Faster Deployments: Automate builds, tests, and deployments to reduce manual effort and accelerate release cycles.

  • Improved Reliability: Catch issues early in the pipeline through automated testing, leading to more stable deployments.

  • Enhanced Collaboration: A structured CI/CD process facilitates better communication and coordination among teams.

  • Consistent Environments: Ensure your applications run smoothly across development, staging, and production environments.

General Workflow

  1. Source Code Management: Store your application code in a version control system (e.g., GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket).

  2. CI Pipeline Trigger: A code change triggers your CI pipeline.

  3. Build and Test: The CI tool builds your application, runs tests (unit, integration, etc.), and packages it into a container image (e.g., Docker).

  4. Push to Registry: The container image is pushed to a container registry (e.g., Docker Hub).

  5. CD Pipeline Trigger: A successful CI pipeline triggers your CD pipeline.

  6. Connect to HKE Cluster: Your CD tool retrieves your cluster's kubeconfig file for secure access. This file is typically stored as a secret in your CI/CD tool.

  7. Deploy to Cluster: The CD tool uses kubectl or Helm to deploy your application to your HKE cluster. This might involve updating existing resources or creating new ones.

  8. Verify Deployment: Run post-deployment tests to ensure your application is working as expected in the cluster environment.

Example: GitHub Actions

Here's a simplified GitHub Actions workflow to deploy an Nginx application to an HKE cluster using Helm:

name: Deploy to HKE
    branches: [main]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout
        uses: actions/checkout@v3

      - name: Install Helm
        uses: azure/setup-helm@v3

      - name: Configure Kubectl
        uses: azure/k8s-set-context@v3
          kubeconfig: ${{ secrets.KUBECONFIG }}

      - name: Deploy with Helm
        run: |
          helm repo add bitnami
          helm install nginx bitnami/nginx --namespace default \
            --values ui/values.yaml # If you have custom values

Additional Tips

  • Secret Management: Store sensitive information (like your kubeconfig) securely as encrypted secrets within your CI/CD tool.

  • Environment Promotion: Consider promoting successful deployments through different environments (e.g., dev -> staging -> prod).

  • Rollbacks: Implement strategies for quickly rolling back to previous versions in case of deployment issues.

  • Monitoring and Logging: Integrate monitoring and logging solutions to gain insights into your application's performance and health.

  • Security: Always prioritize security by scanning your container images, following best practices for secrets management, and enforcing network policies in your HKE cluster.

Last updated